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Chiropractor vs Massage for Lower back Pain

Chiropractor vs Massage for Lower back Pain Chiropractors have long spoken about how there is a connection t...

Chiropractor vs Massage for Lower back Pain Chiropractors have long spoken about how there is a connection to pain and disease, relating to energy flow from the spine.

Blockages cause pain and muscles can become stiff and locked. Regular “adjustments” and massages loosen muscles and reduce pain and swelling; restoring energy flow. Both chiropractic massage and massage therapy involve the manipulation of the muscles and connective tissues of the body. With direct pressure and movement of these areas, the patient's body can relax and they can release pain, increase energy flow as well as recover faster from mobility issues. Acupressure and shiatsu Just like in acupuncture, this massage-like practice uses finger pressure to stimulate certain areas of the body to improve the energy flow and thus reduce pain. Deep tissue massage By digging into the muscles of the body, a deep tissue massage will help the body release tension. But keep in mind that this is a very intense massage that often can leave a patient sore in the beginning. Reflexology By simply rubbing certain parts of the body, it is thought the practitioner can affect other parts of the body, eliminating aches and pains in some patients. This is the most gentle of the massage practices, so it's good for those who are newer or who are more sensitive. If you liked the video and want to see more content like this, subscribe and like me. Thank you

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