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Best relief for Arthritis in Hands

WHAT EXACTLY IS ARTHRITIS? The best relief for Arthritis in Hands Statistics from the Centers for Di...

WHAT EXACTLY IS ARTHRITIS? The best relief for Arthritis in Hands

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control estimates that if numbers continue to rise, very soon, one out of four adults will suffer from the disease at some point during their life. Currently, the estimates are as high as 70 MILLION Americans suffering from arthritis.
"We just think that's alarming in terms of the number," said Tino Mantella, president of the Arthritis Foundation. Tino is correct.
While there are many different varieties of the disease, the term “arthritis” has been used to describe in a much broader sense anyone suffering joint and chronic mobility pain, joint swelling, as well as overall stiffness.
There also appears to be no end in sight to the explosive growth of people that are contracting arthritis at an earlier age.

Because arthritis is primarily an autoimmune disease, many people are susceptible to contracting arthritis.
New studies link decreased nutrition and all forms of toxins that are invading our food chain as contributing to the body's immune system breaking down and mistakenly attacking joints, cartilage and other areas of the body. #arthritisrelief #arthritisrelief #arthritisreliefforhands #arthritisreliefcream #arthritisreliefspray Subscribe

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